WordPress Security with Firewall


WordPress Security with Firewall plugin will take your own WordPress website security to a whole new level.

WordPress Security with Firewall plugin reduces security risk by checking for vulnerabilities, and by implementing and enforcing the latest recommended WordPress and WooCommerce security practices and techniques.

This plugin protects against Brute Force Login Attack and Shell attack. Users with a certain IP address or range will be locked out of the system for a predetermined amount of time-based on the configuration settings. Monitor/View failed login attempts which show the user’s IP address, User ID/Username, and Date/Time of the failed login attempt and etc.

Plugin is regularly updated to get the best performance and available for our partners.



  • Annual payment
  • 1 year license
  • 6 months updates
  • 1 year support
  • 1 website license


  • One-time payment
  • 1 year license
  • One-time update
  • 1 month support
  • 1 website license